Vedemmia 2004 Primo

Autunno-Fall in Montanare

I used to like Fall. After living in a small Tuscany village, I learned to love fall. After the sun had done it’s work, the late summer showers provided the final dose of energy for the vineyards. Now that 80% of the garden has been either eaten or canned, the upcoming grape harvest (vendemmia) was on the mind of many. As Jill and I walked Montanare’s gravel one lane road …

FOTO2018 Wheel

Sempre Dritto-Keep Going Straight

In the northern most reaches of Umbria, rest the beautiful agriculture village of Castiglione Fosco. From a half dozen miles away, the 12 story brick clock tower guided us through the valley to this small borgo of 200. The area looked vaguely familiar, in part, because we traversed this land looking for a place to live in 2004. About half way between the hilltop villages of Paciano and Tavernelle, our …

Drowning in Gratitude

The June calendar is making me realize not only how lucky I am but just how many really special people I call friends, both near and far.


Mid-May is my season of Tuscan Fever. It’s not a common abnormality but I get it every year. It’s an illness I’ve learned to celebrate. On the other side of the earth, a couple dozen Tuscans have come down with the same ailment. Our social media message boxes seem to acknowledge our collective seasonal anticipation. brand cialis The course in started with the basics of teaching skills so that a …

Speaking of Italy

Trying to narrow down all that I love about Italy into an 18 minute talk is like me eating only one scoop of Rosy’s intoxicating tiramisu. Do I talk about the depth of these dozens of special friendships. Or would the listener love to experience every detail of a five course extravaganza we devoured al fresco? Perhaps they’d like to walk the cobblestone street of a 2000-year-old Tuscan village that …

Natale – Christmas

Over the past decade, in addition to the spiritual enrichment experienced on December 25th, I also hold special anticipation for a particular Christmas phone call. I remember when I was in the 6th Grade and a futuristic thought included being able to see the people you’d be talking to on the phone. Today, this face to face across the internet is how our global friendships stay intact. I’m still a little giddy when experiencing a …

Vaticano Natale – Christmas at the Vatican

Recounting the emotions and tangible spirit I felt standing in Saint Peter’s Square on Christmas Eve 2004 while the late Pope John Paul said mass was one of my most favorite stories to include in Miracles in Montanare: Ten Years in Tuscany. To be present at that holy spot on that holiest of eves had been a faith-driven fantasy 10 years in the making. As Parkinson’s Disease continued it’s progression, the world …

Larry Snyder - Montepulciano, Italy

One Week In

[ Montepulciano, Italy by Larry Snyder ] Although our coordinates look similar year after year, we’ve come at it from a different direction this time. Pisa is a seaside, regional Tuscan airport accepting jetliners full of primarily Euro fliers seeking some Vitamin D, a well-priced glass of vino rosso, and a bit of stylish culture that comes in many forms. Celebrating the arrival of all our four checked bags, we …


Tuning Into the Creation Station

[ Sotto Montepulciano ] There’s a push, a tangible draw coming from within this Ryan Air 737-800. It’s time to create. For this short window, I’m free of the norm, to take chances while I occupy land that nearly built the act of creativity. Feeling the need to up my artistic game, this trip has to be big on discovery. Not necessarily new destinations, although that is tempting. The surgeons …

Roam Inn Yorkshire

I had a feeling when we pulled into the carpark (British term) and I noticed several signs noting our destination a UNESCO World Heritage site, that this was to be a memorable visit. Our favorite Brits, Bill and Tina, wanted to share one of their national treasures knowing we fancy (another British term) ancient stone structures that once welcomed holy residents. Fountains Abbey and the adjoining Studley Royal Garden has …