Montanare: Calling my name

It’s June 21st, the final day of school for Daniela. Our normal course in the next 48 hours would be three middle seats on a Delta A330 for Rome via Amsterdam. This year is different and I can feel it. Over the past week, my pile of goods to pack include several tropical medicine prescriptions, a gigantic collection of donated soccer gear, and a sore right arm from a set of injections to keep me alive in West Africa. This summer, our Tuscan time will follow my visit to Sierra Leone as I open a community school, a project my generous friends and I have built for US-based NGO, Schools for Salone. This project (the 25th for SFS) will fundamentally change 200 children’s lives that have had no access to education, ever in their lives. The irony is the school system in Italy is well regarded as one of the best in the world. Even with this deep contrast in quality and history of education, there is a noticeable similarity in it’s people. The joy quotient among the Italians and West Africans is palpable. cipla cialis italia But, it is less likely that you talk to your doctor about the risks of taking this medicine. He has the capability to make genuine judgments to seek appropriate erectile dysfunction remedies. viagra online It should be pointed out that diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill can play the same role as the herbal medicine that has been used throughout Southeast Asia for centuries. cialis cheap generic ED is usually caused by cialis canadian different factors such as other diseases, injuries and other factors. Laughing, smiling, public displays of affection, and over the top generosity, run strong in both nations. Even in Italy, home of high fashion, my observation is that like West Africans, they are living from the inside out. I can site 100 moments when Jill, Daniela, and I benefitted from the pure generosity of Tuscan and Umbrian friends wanting to share their bounty for our benefit. And so I must practice delayed gratification this year before I meet Jill and Daniela in Rome for our three hour trek north to Montanare. Stepping back into village life with many in this photo are some of my best days. It’s the spot of whole friendship, love, passion, and vulnerability. Although the calendar says I must wait just a couple weeks, it feels like a couple months. See you soon Tuscany!