Auguri Street Rome


Auguri Street Rome The Christmas season in Tuscany has little resemblance to our U.S. commercial run up to the celebration of baby Jesus. A dozen years ago, Jill and I had the good fortune to feel the divine spirit of Natale in it’s pure form. In nearly every Italian village the presepio (nativity) evangelizes inhabitants and visitors. The passing faithful pause to acknowledge the reason for the season. In our …

Giorno Ringrazimento-Thanksgiving

Giorno Ringraziamento-Thanksgiving

It would take me nearly a day to acknowledge the dozens of special family and friends in our midst. Although there isn’t a formal holiday on the Italian calendario, I’ve unilaterally decided that May 8th is Thanksgiving Day in Italy. One of my important friendships was born on that date. On that fateful Sunday, I was learning to become a Montanarese-Contadino, Italian farmer. Ca’ D Maestro owner Piero was demonstrating …