Roam Inn Yorkshire

WP_20160618_036I had a feeling when we pulled into the carpark (British term) and I noticed several signs noting our destination a UNESCO World Heritage site, that this was to be a memorable visit. Our favorite Brits, Bill and Tina, wanted to share one of their national treasures knowing we fancy (another British term) ancient stone structures that once welcomed holy residents. Fountains Abbey and the adjoining Studley Royal Garden has to be experienced because words fall far short to describe its combined grandeur. As faithful followers of Saint Benedict, the Cistercian Monks built a completely self-sufficient  community in the English countryside. Nancy, the enthusiastic and proud National Trust guide, detailed nearly every important feature of the Abbey including cluing us in on the origins of the English term “Short end of the Stick” and what it means to be a “Physician”. Curcumin (Turmeric) is one of the top five antioxidant foods. have a peek here viagra buy no prescription If there was once a gap in the market for people to advise on SEO there isn’t now, and these days it bulk buy viagra pays to make sure you’re getting good advice. No one is sure why but nicotine and cialis 100mg canada alcohol are definitely bad boys. Psychological causes responsible for female impotence are stress, anxiety, depression, and feeling of generic viagra generic visit that guilt. I long for days like this. My mind is a sponge that rarely gets fed at this level with the day-to-day activity called life. This type of “Distance Learning” reminds me of how my love of European history was born.  

Off to Italia in the Morning!

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