Natale – Christmas

Over the past decade, in addition to the spiritual enrichment experienced on December 25th, I also hold special anticipation for a particular Christmas phone call. I remember when I was in the 6th Grade and a futuristic thought included being able to see the people you’d be talking to on the phone. Today, this face to face across the internet is how our global friendships stay intact. I’m still a little giddy when experiencing a …


Amatrice: a Spicy, Special Spot

Photo: Le Celle, Italy. Photographed by Larry Snyder. Some of you may not know it, but I get up really early. When my phone alarm rings at 3:30AM three days a weeks, it means I’m going to join three fellow Starbucks Partners at Civica Office Commons at 5AM sharp. My hours preparing espressos and connecting with community keep Italy alive in my mind, the skill sets I have learned to apply at …