A Casa in Montanare
Piero stood from 50 feet wondering who was passing the large gate in an unknown Renault. As we came to a rest, his simpatico smile met the one I was showing. He and I have done this exchange more than a dozen times and I love it more every time. We are home. Not because the area is familiar. Not because the 650 square foot, restored apartment hasn’t changed. Not because the pool is spotless, and absolutely not because the organic garden is ripe with fresh produce of every kind. Take it only one tadalafil overnight time in a day. For that uninsured or underinsured who are not able to enjoy sex because order generic viagra http://deeprootsmag.org/page/619/ of erectile dysfunction (ED). The common issue is of high blood pressure, diabetes, vascular problems, and overnight cialis tadalafil high cholesterol levels or bad fats in the body. A http://deeprootsmag.org/2016/02/17/sustainable-agriculture-news-7/ order viagra nutrient-rich penis vitamin cream containing L-Arginine and many other male-specific nutrients may be the way to go. We are home because of Piero, Luisa, Amedeo, Rosetta, and two dozen others that welcome us as family members that have returned to share our love of people and place. This visit will be different from the past. We’ve come with just one mission. No tour of familiar guests. No plan to run from one end of the country to the other. Our mission for the next 20 days is to just Be. To explore our friendships, help our friends understand why we care about them at this level, and mostly, try to celebrate the incredible gift of time we have together.