Anatomy of a Book-Ten Years in Tuscany

1000 covers, printed at DCG One in Seattle, await their journey to the bindery.

What began on January 25th, 2004 as a blog to stay in touch with our friends on native soil is about to become a complete volume of literary work. Miracles in Montanare: Ten Years in Tuscany, or the idea of writing a book in general, has been a core life goal of mine since 1987. As we near the finish line of this endeavor, I’m finding the writing was actually the easy part. This Sildenafil citrate is named a company buy cialis online as Kamagra. Different studies have demonstrated that individuals with untreated psychological health issues visit a medicinal cheapest cialis in australiat twice as frequently as men, average age being 40-60 years (onset of disease may be at any age but it is frequent among men aging 50 years and above. Bacon n eggs fit the bill but are too high in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol and salt and too low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. cialis cost 20mg Pfizer got patent of viagra canada pharmacies in 1996 as an excellent ED solution for males suffering from reduced sexual potency. With a heavy investment at stake, each decision has financial and time implications. I’m grateful to have two fabulous advocates as co-pilots on this project. Publisher Ethan Yarbrough of Iron Twine Press and Book Designer Sonja Gerard have both invested an incredible amount of professional and creative equity, for which I am grateful. Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!

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